Limited LiabilityCompany "Transport-share", represented by General Director KasymovE., acting based on its Charter, publishes this Public Offer – the Agreementfor providing Electric Scooter Rental.


Public Offer “On Provision of Electric Scooter Rental”

City of Tashkent
“01” May 2024

This document is anofficial offer (Public Offer) to natural persons to conclude the “ElectricScooter Rental Agreement” (which includes the mobile application “IZZY”)(hereinafter – the Agreement).

The performance bythe User of the actions provided for by this Public Offer signifies theirunconditional acceptance of the conditions set forth below (acceptance of thePublic Offer). From the moment of acceptance of the Public Offer, the Agreementis deemed concluded.



1.1. In this Public Offer, unless the context requiresotherwise, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below:

  • Offer – This Public Offer “On     Provision of Electric Scooter Rental” is an offer made by LLC “Transport –     share” addressed to an indefinite circle of persons with the purpose of     concluding an “Electric Scooter Rental Agreement” on the terms and in the     manner set forth herein.
  • “IZZY” Application – The mobile     application (hereinafter – the Application) owned by LLC “Transport –     share” and available for download on mobile platforms for Android (Play     Market) and iOS (App Store). The Application contains information on the     cost and tariffs of the electric scooter rental service,     parking/locational points, and provides the ability to activate the     Electric Scooter, pay for its use, view service statistics, and enables     communication between the Renter and the Lessor regarding the commencement     and completion of the rental service.
  • Lessor – Limited     Liability Company “Transport – share”, registered at the Center for Public     Services: Tashkent, Shaykhantahur District, 12 Zulfiahonum Street,     Taxpayer Identification Number: 310390089, OKED: 77110, Bank Account: 2020     8000 7056 3584 4001, Bank: Tashkent City Operational Management of AKIB     “Ipoteka Bank”, MFO: 00419, Email:, Phone: +998 (95)     940-33-33.
  • Renter/User – Any fully     legally competent natural person who has reached the age of 18 and is not     under guardianship or curatorship, and who has fully and unconditionally     accepted the Public Offer on the terms specified herein.
  • Party or Parties – Depending on     the context, this term refers to the Lessor or the Renter individually, or     to both the Lessor and the Renter, respectively.
  • Electric Scooter (hereinafter     “Electric Scooter”) – A two-wheeled vehicle owned by or otherwise legally     held by the Lessor, equipped with an electric motor with a capacity of     less than 5 kW and a maximum design speed of less than 20 kilometers per     hour, intended for the transport of a single person weighing less than 130     kilograms.
  • Agreement – The     “Electric Scooter Rental Agreement” concluded between the Lessor and the     Renter on the terms specified in this Offer, which is formed by the     Acceptance of this Public Offer.
  • Acceptance – The complete     and unconditional response of the person to whom the Offer is addressed,     indicating their acceptance, made in accordance with the terms specified     in the Offer. Acceptance of the Public Offer creates the Agreement and has     legal significance.
  • Balance – The     functional section of the “IZZY” Application linked to the Renter’s     account, in which the amount of funds transferred by the Renter to the     Lessor for payment for the scooter rental is displayed and from which the     rental charges are deducted.
  • Authorized Territory – The     territory of Tashkent, as shown on the map within the “IZZY” Application,     within which the Renter, following the conditions offered by the Lessor,     may activate and complete an Electric Scooter ride in accordance with the     parking requirements set forth in this Offer.
  • Restricted Speed Territory – Areas (such     as parks, construction zones, cemeteries, and areas along the border of     the Authorized Territory) marked in red on the “IZZY” Application’s map.     Within these areas, the speed of the Electric Scooter is limited to 5     (five) kilometers per hour.
  • Parking – Locations     where Electric Scooters are stationed and from which the Renter may obtain     an Electric Scooter for rental.
  • Rental Period – The period     from the moment of taking the Electric Scooter in rental (activation)     until the moment the ride is ended by the Renter through the Application     under the terms of this Offer. During the Rental Period, the User assumes     all risks associated with the loss, damage, and use of the Electric     Scooter.
  • Personal Data – Any     information relating to the User, including their surname, first name,     patronymic, year, month, date, and place of birth, address, passport data,     as well as information from any other document that establishes the     identity of the subject of personal data, contact phone numbers, email     address, and other information recognized as personal data in accordance     with the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which may     become known to the Lessor after the User accepts this Offer.
  • Subscription (also “IZZY     Pass” or “IZZY Pass Subscription”) – A feature of the Application that the     User may activate at their discretion, upon which the conditions and fee     for using the Electric Scooter change in accordance with the terms     specified in the Subscription description, along with other conditions of     using the Electric Scooter.
  • Insurance – An     additional service that the Renter may choose to use via the Application,     under which the Lessor offers the Renter the opportunity to purchase     insurance from an insurance company – a partner of the Lessor – for the     duration of the Electric Scooter ride.


References in thisOffer to the singular include references to the plural, and vice versa.

For informationregarding the rental of Electric Scooters, use of the “IZZY” Application, andthe terms of this Offer, please contact the Lessor via the call center (phone:+998 55 500-59-55) or through the information support on Telegram (link:, or consult the“Help” section in the “IZZY” Application.




This Offer is alegal document and an offer from the Lessor addressed to an indefinite circleof capable natural persons with the aim of concluding an Agreement on the termsset forth herein. Under the Agreement, the Lessor transfers temporarypossession and use of an Electric Scooter to the Renter, and the Renter acceptsthe Electric Scooter for use for personal (consumer) purposes that are notrelated to any entrepreneurial activity. The transfer of the Electric Scooterto the Renter for rental is executed through the use of the Mobile Applicationfunctionality in the manner provided by this Offer. Payment for the rental ismade by deducting funds from the Renter’s Balance, which must be replenishedprior to using the Electric Scooter. If, during the rental, the funds in theApplication Balance run out, the deduction will be made directly from theRenter’s bank card linked to the Application.


The Offer ispublished in the Application as well as on the Lessor’s website at The conclusion of theAgreement and the provision of Electric Scooter rental services are carried outvia electronic commerce using the functionality of the Application.


This Offer has beenprepared in accordance with the Civil Code (including, but not limited to,Articles 367–370, Chapter 34 “Property Lease (Rental)”, Chapter 38 “RemuneratedProvision of Services”), the Law “On Electronic Commerce”, and other normativelegal acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It regulates the procedure forconcluding the Agreement between the Parties, the manner of its performance,the rights and obligations of the Parties, and other terms of the Agreement.


The term of thisOffer is unlimited. The Offer may be suspended or terminated by the Lessor atany time at its sole discretion by publishing the relevant notice in theApplication. In such a case, these changes shall be reflected on the Lessor’swebsite and delivered to active users via a notification in the Application.


The Lessor reservesthe right to unilaterally amend this Offer. Changes will be communicated to theRenter and others via PUSH notifications in the Application.


The User Manual forthe operation and use of the Electric Scooter is set forth in Appendix No. 1 tothis Offer and is an integral part thereof.


The offer toconclude the Agreement, the possibility to Accept it, and the ability toreplenish the Balance are available 24 hours a day. However, obtaining anElectric Scooter for rental is subject to the availability of free ElectricScooters.


To obtain anElectric Scooter for rental, the Renter must accept the terms of this Offer andreplenish their Balance with a minimum of 20,000 (twenty thousand) soums.


The Lessor is notresponsible for, nor does it assume any obligations, if due to the inability toprocess the information provided by the Renter and/or for technical reasons,the Renter fails to use the Application or is unable to obtain an ElectricScooter.




The Lessor cannotrender services to the Renter unless the Offer is accepted. The Offer may beaccepted only by the complete and unconditional acceptance of all its terms.


By performing theactions prescribed in the Offer to complete the Acceptance, the Renter confirmsthat:

  • They are a legally competent     person who has reached the age of 18 (eighteen years old);
  • The terms of the Offer and all     its attachments are written in a language understandable to them;
  • They have read and accept all the     terms of the Offer without any exceptions or reservations;
  • The information provided by them     during the conclusion and performance of the Agreement is accurate and     authentic;
  • Any actions taken in the     Application under their account are performed by them personally, and all     risks associated with unauthorized use of their mobile device and account     lie with them;
  • They consent to the processing of     their personal data by the Lessor in accordance with the terms set forth     in this Offer;
  • They are informed and agree that     when contacting the Lessor’s call center (via the phone numbers specified     in Section 1 of the Offer), all calls may be recorded and such recordings     may be used by the Lessor for purposes related to this Offer and for     protecting the rights and legally protected interests of the Lessor.


To complete theAcceptance, the person to whom the Offer is addressed must register in theApplication. The Application is available for download on mobile platforms forAndroid (Play Market) and iOS (App Store). The Renter downloads the Applicationonto their mobile device (which supports the installation of the Application)and registers using their mobile phone number, thereby obtaining an account.During registration, the Renter enters the information requested by theApplication and reviews the terms of the Offer and the tariffs established bythe Lessor for providing Electric Scooter rental. Registration is carried outusing an active mobile phone number. An electronic message (SMS) containing a codeis sent to the mobile phone number provided by the Renter. By entering the codereceived in the electronic message, the Renter confirms full Acceptance of thisOffer.



4.1. Replenishment of the Balance


Payment for ElectricScooter rental services is possible by deducting funds from the User’s Balanceas well as from the bank card linked to the Application. The initial ride isstarted when the Renter replenishes their Balance in the Application with atleast 20,000 (twenty thousand) soums.


The transfer offunds for replenishing the Balance and the determination of the replenishmentamount is at the Renter’s discretion; however, to obtain an Electric Scooterfor rental for the first time, the Balance must contain at least 20,000 (twentythousand) soums. Prior to replenishing the Balance, the Renter must review therental tariffs specified in the Application.


The Balance isreplenished using bank cards such as Humo, UzCard, Visa, MasterCard (subject totechnical possibility on the part of the banks, processing, and acquiringoperators) by transferring funds in the national currency of the Republic ofUzbekistan (soums) to the Lessor’s account. All expenses related to thetransfer (payment system fees, bank commissions, etc.) are borne by the Renter.


After the payment ismade, the amount received from the Renter is displayed on the Renter’s Balancein the Application.

4.2. Rental Tariffs for the Electric Scooter


Payments are made inthe manner and on the terms determined by applicable legislation and the rulesof the respective payment systems. Cashless payments under the Agreement –including rental fees, fines, and other payments provided for – are made bynon-acceptance deduction of funds from the User’s Balance and bank card inaccordance with the Tariffs.


The cost of ElectricScooter rental services is determined by the tariffs displayed by the Lessor inthe Application and is fixed as a set payment for a specified period (perminute).

4.3. Izzy Pass Subscriptions


The User isentitled, using the functionality of the Application at any time during theterm of the Agreement, to purchase an Izzy Pass Subscription in accordance withone of the options available as described in the Subscription descriptions(i.e., to activate a Subscription). Only one Subscription may be active at anyone time.
Furthermore, the Renter may purchase a new Subscription during the term of a previouslyactivated Subscription. In such a case, the fee for the new Subscription isdeducted at the time of its purchase, and activation of the new Subscriptionoccurs after the expiration of the previous Subscription period.


Activation of aSubscription results in a change in the terms of the Agreement for the durationof that Subscription in accordance with the Subscription description, includingthe following changes (unless otherwise specified in the Subscriptiondescription):

  • Other conditions     specified in the Subscription description. These may include the number of     Electric Scooters the Renter may rent as part of a group ride; the     duration of the Electric Scooter reservation period; the cost of     Insurance; the removal of a block on the Renter’s bank card or Balance;     and other conditions.


At the moment ofactivation of the Subscription option chosen by the Renter, the fee for theSubscription, as specified in the Subscription description, is deducted fromthe Renter’s bank card. In cases provided by the second paragraph of clause4.3.1, the fee is deducted from the Renter’s bank card at the time of purchaseof the Subscription in the Application, but before its activation.


The chosen Izzy PassSubscription is valid for the period specified for that particular type ofSubscription in the Subscription description and is activated from the momentthe full Subscription fee is received in the Lessor’s settlement account –provided that no other Subscription purchased earlier by the Renter is activeat the time of payment.


If there areinsufficient funds on the Renter’s bank card to pay for the Subscription, theactivation and/or purchase of the Subscription will not proceed.


Upon the expirationof the Subscription period, the corresponding Subscription is automaticallyreactivated for the same period (Subscription renewal), if:

  • The User has not disabled     automatic renewal in the Application;
  • The current Subscription terms     have not been altered by the Lessor in accordance with clause 4.3.8 (in     particular, if as a result of such changes the Offer and/or the     Subscription description no longer provide for Subscriptions on terms     corresponding to those of the current Subscription);
  • No new Subscription is purchased     by the Renter before the current Subscription period ends (see second     paragraph of clause 4.3.1).
        Renewal of the Subscription may occur an unlimited number of times after     the end of each Subscription period.
        The terms for each new Subscription period are determined by the     conditions contained in the description of the corresponding Subscription     as of the date of payment for that period (regardless of the activation     date). The Renter must independently monitor any changes to the     Subscription conditions in the Application and disable automatic renewal     if they disagree with such changes.


Renewal of theSubscription in accordance with clause 4.3.6 is subject to the fee for theSubscription being deducted from the Renter’s bank card. The Subscription isconsidered renewed for the next period from the moment the corresponding fee isreceived in the Lessor’s settlement account. If there are insufficient funds onthe Renter’s bank card for the Subscription fee, automatic renewal will notoccur.


The Lessor may, atany time and unilaterally, change the terms of the Subscription by posting newconditions in the description of the corresponding Subscription in theApplication. The new Subscription terms apply to Subscriptions paid for(including those renewed) from the day following the posting of such conditionsor later and do not affect the terms of Subscriptions already paid for. TheRenter must independently monitor any changes to the Subscription conditions inthe Application.


At any time duringthe Subscription period, the Renter may unilaterally cancel automatic renewalby disabling the corresponding function in the Application.


The Lessor mayunilaterally cancel automatic renewal of the Subscription for the next periodin the following cases:

  • If the Renter does not rent an     Electric Scooter even once during the current Subscription period;
  • If the Renter violates the     Agreement during the current Subscription period.


The Lessor is notliable for cases where, due to technical reasons, the fee for the Subscriptionis not deducted from the bank card and the Subscription is not activated(including renewal for the next period).


From the moment theSubscription expires, the relationship between the Parties shall be governed bythe terms of the Agreement without the application of the Subscriptionconditions contained in the Subscription descriptions.

4.4. Payment for Services


Payment for rentalservices is made directly from the Renter’s Balance. If the Balance funds runout, funds will be automatically deducted from the Renter’s bank card.


The minimum Balancerequired to obtain an Electric Scooter for rental is 20,000 (twenty thousand)soums.


The accrual anddeduction of the rental cost from the Renter’s Balance is carried out duringthe entire Rental Period of the Electric Scooter by the Renter in accordancewith the terms of this Offer.




The map within the“IZZY” Application displays Parking Stations where Electric Scooters arestationed, showing their geolocations as well as available Electric Scooters.


To obtain theselected Electric Scooter for rental, the Renter activates the camera in theApplication and scans the QR code located on the front of the Electric Scooter(on the handlebar). If scanning the QR code is not possible, the Renter maymanually enter in the Application the code displayed on the front of theElectric Scooter (on the handlebar). After scanning (or manual entry), theApplication will display information about the selected Electric Scooter,including its location (geolocation) and battery level. It is not recommendedto rent an Electric Scooter if its battery level is below 40%. The Renter mustreview this information and inspect the Electric Scooter for any visibledamages or defects. If the Renter agrees with the displayed information and hasno claims regarding the quality of the Electric Scooter, the Renter accepts theElectric Scooter for rental by clicking the “Start Ride” button. By clicking“Start Ride,” the Electric Scooter is unlocked (released from its lock) andactivated (made available for use).
Clicking the “Start Ride” button confirms the Renter’s acceptance of theElectric Scooter for rental from the Lessor. The moment of acceptance isrecorded as the time the “Start Ride” button is pressed in the “IZZY”Application.


During the RentalPeriod, all risks related to loss and/or damage to the Electric Scooter(including its components), as well as all liability for its use and storage,transfer to the Renter.




The period duringwhich the Electric Scooter is used is calculated from the moment of itsactivation until the moment of completion in the Application, as defined inaccordance with this Offer. The Rental Period is measured in minutes. Therental cost is deducted from the Balance and/or bank card of the Renterthroughout the entire Rental Period. The Renter must cease using the ElectricScooter when the available funds on the Balance and/or bank card are exhaustedand if there is no intention to replenish the Balance. Any remaining funds onthe Renter’s Balance may be used later at any time with any available ElectricScooter provided by the Lessor. If the Renter requires a refund of theremaining Balance, they may contact the Lessor with a written request totransfer the funds to their personal bank card. In doing so, the Renter mustprovide their details and documentation verifying account ownership.


In the event of technicalerrors in the Electric Scooter’s software, including erroneous deductions fromthe Balance or the Renter’s bank card, the Renter may contact the Lessor’s callcenter (phone: +998 55 500-59-55) to request a refund of the erroneouslydeducted funds. In doing so, the Renter must provide the documents specified inclause 7.1.1 of this Offer.


The Applicationcontains a map showing the Authorized Territory within which the ElectricScooter may be used by the Renter. The Renter agrees not to leave thisterritory during the entire Rental Period. If the Renter exits the specifiedterritory, push notifications will be sent, and calls will be made to theRenter’s phone number, indicating that they have left the permitted territoryand must return. Should the Electric Scooter be found outside the territory, itmay be blocked or subjected to usage restrictions.


While using theElectric Scooter, the User agrees to handle the Electric Scooter with care,ensure its safe operation, comply with all terms of this Offer, the User Manualfor operation and use of the Electric Scooter, and strictly adhere to the RoadTraffic Rules established by applicable legislation.




The return of theElectric Scooter to the Lessor (i.e., ending the ride session) must be carriedout within the Authorized Territory – that is, within the area served by thesystem, as indicated on the Application map. If the Renter fails to return theElectric Scooter to a permitted usage zone (Authorized Territory), penaltysanctions will be imposed as follows:

  • If the Renter enters a Restricted     Speed Territory and ends the ride within that zone, a fine of 50,000     (fifty thousand) soums will be imposed and deducted from the Renter’s bank     card;
  • If the Renter enters an area     outside the designated riding zone, the Application will not allow the     ride to be ended, which will affect the deduction of funds from the     Renter’s bank card. In such a case, upon a written request from the     Renter, the Lessor will refund the money to the Renter’s bank card with a     deduction of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) soums as a fine for     non-compliance with this clause.


The return of fundsis carried out in accordance with the Refund Policy set forth in Appendix No. 2to this Offer.


The Renter mustensure that the use of the Electric Scooter is fully completed. By clicking the“End Ride” button, access to the Electric Scooter is suspended (an appropriateindicator will light up). The moment of return is recorded as the time the “EndRide” button is pressed in the Application, provided that all the requiredactions have been properly completed by the Renter.


In exceptional caseswhere, due to unforeseen circumstances, the Renter is unable to return theElectric Scooter within the Authorized Territory, the Renter must contact theLessor by calling the Lessor’s call center (phone: +998 55 500-59-55) to agreeon an alternative return location. The Electric Scooter must be placed in sucha way that it does not obstruct pedestrian or vehicular traffic. It isforbidden to place the Electric Scooter on tram tracks, railway crossings, intunnels, on overpasses, bridges, viaducts, on pedestrian crossings, or within10 meters of them; on the roadway near dangerous curves; on bicycle lanes; atintersections of roadways and within 5 meters of the edge; or within 15 metersof public transport stops or taxi stands.


The Electric Scootermust be returned in a technically sound condition, without any damages.



8.1. The Lessor undertakes to:

  • Provide the Renter with     information regarding the Electric Scooter, including its battery level,     rental cost, and terms for rental, by posting such information in the     Application;
  • Acquaint the Renter with the User     Manual for operation and use of the Electric Scooter by including it in     Appendix No. 1 to this Offer;
  • Provide the Renter with an     Electric Scooter in proper technical condition in accordance with the     terms of this Offer;
  • Bear the costs for maintaining     the Electric Scooter arising from its normal operation (except for those     expenses expressly imposed on the Renter under this Offer);
  • Ensure compliance with legal     requirements when collecting and processing the Renter’s personal data;
  • Duly perform its obligations     arising from this Offer.

8.2. The Lessor is entitled to:

  • Verify the information, including     personal data, provided by the Renter during registration in the     Application;
  • Process the personal data     received from the Renter in accordance with this Offer;
  • Monitor the safekeeping and     technical condition of the Electric Scooter provided for rental, as well     as its intended use by the Renter;
  • Refuse to provide an Electric     Scooter for rental, terminate the rental prematurely, and retrieve the     Electric Scooter if the Renter has any outstanding debt under the     Agreement or if the Renter violates any terms of this Offer;
  • Unilaterally amend this Offer     and, at its discretion, establish or change the tariffs for Electric     Scooter rental;
  • Block the Electric Scooter if the     Renter violates the conditions for its use within the permitted territory;
  • Unilaterally terminate the     Agreement in the event that the Lessor has sufficient reason to suspect     that the Renter may engage in unlawful activities or if the Renter     breaches any terms of this Offer, by notifying the Renter via the     Application;
  • Switch the Electric Scooter to     energy-saving mode (reducing its speed) if its battery charge falls below     35%;
  • Exercise any other rights     provided by this Offer and applicable legislation.

8.3. The Renter undertakes to:

  • Inspect the Electric Scooter for     damages or defects before accepting it for rental and only accept the     Electric Scooter if there are no quality-related objections;
  • In case any damages or defects     are discovered, notify the Lessor and send photographs via the Lessor’s     information support on Telegram (using the link provided in Section 1 of     this Offer). If the Renter does not notify the Lessor of any damages or     defects before use, any such deficiencies will be considered to have     occurred during the rental by the Renter;
  • Accept the Electric Scooter for     rental only if it is free from damages and return it to the Lessor as     specified in this Offer; use the Electric Scooter strictly for its     intended purpose and in compliance with the terms of this Offer, the User     Manual, the Road Traffic Rules, and other applicable laws of Uzbekistan;
  • Personally use and operate the     Electric Scooter and not transfer its use or sublease it to third parties;
  • Ensure the safekeeping of the     Electric Scooter from the moment of receipt until its return to the     Lessor;
  • Use the Electric Scooter with due     care and take measures to prevent damage to it;
  • Immediately notify the Lessor via     the Application of any damage to the Electric Scooter incurred during     rental, any deactivation of its systems, other malfunctions, road     accidents involving the Electric Scooter, or any issues with the     Application. In such cases, the Renter must cease using the Electric     Scooter;
  • Take appropriate measures to protect     the security of their account in the Application, including their username     and password, from unauthorized use by others, and promptly notify the     Lessor if such unauthorized use is detected;
  • Keep themselves informed about     updates on the Lessor’s website and in the Application;
  • Pay the rental fees and any other     charges in accordance with this Offer;
  • Ensure that sufficient funds are     available in the Balance to cover the rental cost of the Electric Scooter;
  • In accordance with the terms of     this Offer, fully pay for the rental of the Electric Scooter even if the     Electric Scooter switches to energy-saving mode or is deactivated due to     battery discharge during a previous rental period by the same Renter;
  • Immediately notify the Lessor     (via the Application, email, call center, or Telegram support) if funds     are deducted from the Renter’s Balance in an amount not corresponding to     the established tariffs;
  • Avoid causing harm to the life,     health, or property of third parties (including other road users) and, in     the event of causing such harm while using the Electric Scooter, bear     liability in accordance with the applicable legislation of the Republic of     Uzbekistan;
  • Comply with road traffic rules     and accept liability for any violations.

8.4. The Renter is entitled to:

  • Obtain an Electric Scooter in     proper working condition for rental in accordance with the terms of this     Offer;
  • Refuse to accept for rental an     Electric Scooter that is of poor quality, damaged, or has a low battery     charge;
  • At their discretion, decide on     the amount for replenishing the Balance in the Application; contact the     Lessor with any questions related to obtaining, using, or returning the     Electric Scooter, and any other issues arising from this Offer;
  • Exercise any other rights     provided by this Offer and applicable legislation.




The Partiesguarantee the proper performance of their obligations under this Agreement.


For non-performanceor improper performance of the obligations under the concluded Agreement andthis Offer, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the terms of thisOffer and the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


If the ElectricScooter is not returned within the required time after the funds on the Balancehave been exhausted, the Lessor is entitled to demand from the Renter – and theRenter undertakes to pay – the rental cost calculated at the establishedtariffs for the entire period during which the Electric Scooter was in theRenter’s possession. In such a case, the unpaid rental cost is deemed a debt ofthe Renter and must be paid within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date theLessor issues the corresponding demand. Should these deadlines be violated, thedebt will be recovered through legal proceedings. In addition, for any delay inrepayment, the Lessor may charge penalty interest at a rate of 0.1% per day onthe overdue amount, with penalties accruing until the debt is fully repaid, butnot exceeding 50% of the debt amount.


In the event ofpartial damage to the Electric Scooter (subject to repair), the Lessor mayrecover from the Renter the cost of repairs as well as impose a fine amountingto 50% of the repair cost.


In the event ofloss, major, or irreparable damage (not subject to repair or restoration) ofthe Electric Scooter, the Lessor may demand from the Renter, and the Renterundertakes to pay, the cost of the Electric Scooter as well as a fine amountingto 50% of its cost.


The payment of anypenalties and/or fines does not exempt the Renter from compensating the Lessorfor the damage caused to its property.


The Party that failsto perform or improperly performs its obligations under this Agreement shall beliable to compensate the other Party for the losses incurred due to suchnon-performance, in accordance with the terms of this Offer and the applicablelegislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The Renter is liablefor the payment/compensation of any expenses and losses arising from:

  • The loss and/or damage to the     Electric Scooter (and its components);
  • Road accidents involving the     Electric Scooter, including fines for traffic violations and state fees     for court proceedings;
  • Any damage or harm caused to     third parties and their property, personal injuries, environmental damage     during storage and/or use of the Electric Scooter;
  • Legal expenses, attorney fees,     and other costs that the Lessor may incur.
        If claims related to the above circumstances are made against the Renter,     the Renter undertakes to promptly address such claims and reimburse the     Lessor for any expenses and losses incurred.


If the Renter hasany outstanding debt, the Lessor may block the Electric Scooter and suspend theRenter’s account until the debt is fully paid.


All penaltiesprovided for in this Offer must be paid by the Renter within 7 (seven) calendardays from the date the corresponding demand is issued.




Any claims regardingthe Electric Scooter rental services must be submitted to the Lessor via


The date of receiptof a claim (by email or as evidenced by a postal receipt for a written claim)shall be considered its registration date. The claim must clearly andthoroughly explain the nature of the complaint and include the Renter’ssurname, first name, and patronymic (as per the identity document), contactphone number, email address (or postal address) to receive a response. Claimsthat do not meet these requirements will not be accepted.


All claims will bereviewed within no more than 15 working days from the date of receipt.


All disputes arisingfrom non-performance or improper performance of obligations under the Agreementshall be resolved through negotiations between the Parties, following apre-litigation procedure. If it is impossible to settle the dispute by means ofnegotiation, the matter will be submitted to the inter-district civil court atthe Lessor’s location.




By entering into anagreement with the Lessor, the Renter acknowledges that they have fully readand understood all provisions of the Personal Data section of this Offer, agreeto its terms, and hereby grant permission to the Lessor, in accordance with theLaw of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Personal Data”:

  • To collect, store, transmit to     third parties, and process their personal data, including through     automated systems and other software means;
  • To make calls and send SMS     messages to the phone numbers provided by the Renter, including     notifications regarding the settlement of any debt;
  • To transfer the personal data to     state bodies based on their lawful requests and to the Lessor’s partners     and counterparties.


The Renter has theright to request full information from the Lessor regarding their personaldata, its processing, and use, as well as to demand the deletion orcorrection/supplementation of any incorrect or incomplete personal data bysending a written request to the Lessor at its postal address or email.


This consent by theRenter for the processing of their personal data is granted for the periodnecessary for the Lessor to achieve the purpose of such processing and may berevoked by the Renter by sending a written request to the Lessor at its postaladdress or email.




Either Party shallbe exempt from liability for the full or partial non-performance of itsobligations under this Agreement if such non-performance is caused bycircumstances beyond its control.


“Force Majeure”means extraordinary events or circumstances that a Party could not haveforeseen or prevented with available means. Such events include, in particular:strikes, floods, fires, earthquakes, and other natural disasters; wars;military actions; actions by state authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan orother states; as well as any other circumstances beyond the reasonable controlof either Party.


The Lessor reservesthe right not to perform its obligations under the Agreement in the event ofForce Majeure.




In all matters notprovided for in this Offer, the Parties shall be governed by the currentlegislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


The Agreement isconcluded for a term lasting until both Parties have fully performed theirobligations.


If any provision ofthis Offer is found to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall continue infull force and effect, and the Offer as a whole shall remain valid.


The Renter may notassign their rights and obligations under the Agreement without the writtenconsent of the Lessor.


This Offer is drawnup in the Russian language, together with Appendix No. 1 “User Manual forOperation and Use of the Electric Scooter.”

General Director
LLC “Transport–share”
Kasymov E.


Appendix No. 1

to the Public Offer“On Provision of Electric Scooter Rental”
No. 1 dated “01” May 2024


for the Operationand Use of the Electric Scooter

1. Safety Guidelines:

  • The rear wheel brake is the     primary brake.
  • When riding during dark hours or     in conditions of insufficient visibility, it is recommended to carry items     with reflective elements and to ensure that these items are visible to     other road users.
  • Use the Electric Scooter with     constant heightened attention, following all instructions and Road Traffic     Rules.
  • Avoid appearing suddenly in front     of others; warn those who cannot see you by voice or sound when riding     near them.
  • Familiarize yourself with the     rules for using Electric Scooters adopted in the country where you are     using the Electric Scooter.
  • The Lessor shall not be liable     under any circumstances for any financial losses, personal injuries,     accidents, legal disputes, or any other adverse events—including conflicts     of interest—that arise from failure to comply with these safety     guidelines.
  • Please avoid any contact or     collisions between the Electric Scooter and any objects, people, or     animals.

2. When Using the Electric Scooter, the Renter Must:

  • Ride on bicycle or combined     pedestrian–bicycle paths or on lanes designated for cyclists.
  • In the absence of bicycle or     combined pedestrian paths or lanes, or if it is not possible to use them,     riding on the sidewalk or pedestrian path is permitted.
  • If riding on a sidewalk,     pedestrian path, or in pedestrian zones endangers or obstructs other     persons, it is recommended to slow down and yield to pedestrians.

3. To Avoid Liability for Traffic Rule Violations, theRenter is Prohibited From:

  • Operating the Electric Scooter     while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, toxins, or any other     intoxicants, or from refusing to undergo a medical examination when     requested by an authorized official.
  • Operating the Electric Scooter     without holding the handlebar with at least one hand.
  • Crossing the roadway on any     elevated, at-grade, underground, or other types of crossings without     dismounting from the Electric Scooter.
  • Riding the Electric Scooter in     the metro, entering buildings, or restricted areas.

4. The Renter is Also Prohibited From:

  • Using the Electric Scooter on     uneven surfaces, off sidewalks and hard-surfaced paths, riding over any     holes, potholes, speed bumps, or other irregularities that differ from the     main surface by more than 3 cm, or that have sharp edges or any other     features of the road surface that create additional strain on the Electric     Scooter’s wheels; also, riding through puddles deeper than 1 cm (regardless     of the ability to judge depth visually).
  • Using the Electric Scooter for     off-road riding or on rough terrain.
  • Operating the Electric Scooter on     public roads with heavy traffic, on the roadway (including on its right     edge), or on the shoulders.
  • Riding the Electric Scooter     through puddles or on ice.
  • Allowing more than one person to     ride the Electric Scooter simultaneously.
  • Riding the Electric Scooter while     carrying a child in one’s arms.
  • Riding the Electric Scooter on     stairs or escalators.
  • Jumping from any height, hopping     onto obstacles, or riding on a damaged road.
  • Leaving the Electric Scooter     exposed to direct sunlight after the rental period.
  • Using the Electric Scooter to     perform acrobatic tricks, to jump, or to ride over obstacles, curbs, or steps.
  • Using the Electric Scooter in     competitions.
  • Using the Electric Scooter for     transporting or towing goods.
  • Riding the Electric Scooter with     more than one person, or transporting children or animals, or if the total     weight (including clothing, a bag, backpack, etc.) exceeds 150 kg.
  • Leaving the Electric Scooter     outside of Parking Stations after the rental, securing it to unauthorized     structures, or otherwise immobilizing the Electric Scooter.
  • Folding the Electric Scooter     (including using its built-in mechanism).
  • Removing stickers, identification     numbers, or barcodes, or applying inscriptions, stickers, or marks that     damage the Electric Scooter’s paintwork, or soiling it (except for normal     soiling of the platform by street shoes).
  • Allowing the Electric Scooter’s     battery to become completely discharged.
  • Using any technologies or taking     any actions that might harm the Lessor’s website, the “IZZY” Application,     the Electric Scooter, or any other property of the Lessor.
  • Making any modifications to the     Electric Scooter, altering any of its characteristics, or performing any     improvements or deteriorations on the Electric Scooter.
  • Transferring the data of one’s     account to third parties.


This User Manual isnot exhaustive. The Renter is expected to operate the Electric Scooter with duecaution and care, meaning that the Renter shall refrain from any actions oromissions that might potentially or actually endanger themselves or others(including other road users).

General Director
LLC “Transport–share”
Kasymov E.